Wednesday, May 16, 2007

God Hates a Lot of Things Apparently

There was a time where I would begin a post like this with the phrase "For the 3 of you that have been under a rock", but it seems that a lot of people don’t pay any attention to the news, so... For those of you that don’t know, Jerry Falwell, the man who blamed 9/11 on the feminists, the ACLU and the pagans, the man who accused a Teletubbie of being gay, the man who claimed AIDS is a punishment from God for being gay, and the man who questioned the motivations of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. because of his leftist associations (equal rights are inherently communist), has died.

As one opinion article said, Mr. Falwell will be quite surprised to see who also made it to heaven (yes, I’m talking the high road). In case you’re wondering why his death is significant, Mr Falwell did a horrible, horrible thing and was instrumental in turning evangelical Christians into a powerful voting bloc. Democracy sucks sometimes.

Not everyone is taking the high road on Mr Falwell’s death though. It seems that another "holy man" didn’t like him very much. Fred Phelps, head of the Westboro Baptist Church, Creator of and, protestor at gay funerals, the funeral of Mr. Rogers (yes, the beautiful day in the neighborhood guy), and all around bag of shit, will be protesting at Mr. Falwell’s funeral. I’m really hoping that a good fight breaks out. Hate is an interesting thing.


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