Sunday, March 05, 2006

The Strut

I always have trouble with those quizzes that determine what your personality is like. Why? Because they always have a question along the lines of “I’m happiest when _______ .“ I’m rarely any good at answering that. It’s a tough question, but I think that if a random person had to answer that question for me based only on observing me, the answer would be I’m happiest when I’m walking around. I don’t know if it’s entirely true, but there’s strong evidence for it. I like walking around. It’s a chance to see more of the world. It’s a chance to people watch. It’s a chance to see important events.

So yeah, I’m pretty excited when I’m walking around. I have a pretty fast-paced walking style as well. It’s the New York in me. I’m not walking anywhere in particular, except to wherever the next interesting thing is. Perhaps I’m walking so fast because I’m worried that I’m missing out on something.

I do a lot of my walking alone. A lot of people don’t see the merit in walking, and that’s fine by me. It gives me more opportunities to ponder all things ponderable, and think about my life in general. Walking by myself gives me a chance to reflect to various amusing things. So finally, some 3 paragraphs into the post, I’ve managed to segue into what this post is really about.

I was walking down the street with my head held high and a smile on my face because I was thinking about The Last Dragon If you’ve ever seen it, you know why I was smiling. My smile is more like a suppressed laugh btw. An older woman, in her late 20’s was walking towards me. So as we got closer, she pulled down her sunglasses so I could see her eyes, and then she gave me an over the top wink. It wasn’t the first time a woman as winked at me while I was doing The Strut. The Strut has a strong positive effect on American women in their late 20’s and older. The Strut has little effect on younger women.

This has always been the case. I started noticing the effects of The Strut when I was about 16, and it’s always women in their late 20’s and up. For some reason, The Strut intimidates younger women. I’ve noticed more than a few put their heads down and try to rush past me. I like to pretend that I know it’s because younger women don’t appreciate the sheer awesomeness of the strut, but truthfully, I have no idea why. It’s one of those things I guess I’ll never really understand…


At 8:32 PM, Blogger SumThing said...

Nope. The Strut is mostly a solitary thing. Trust me, it kick ass.


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