In honor of the recent release of The Da Vinci Code, and the renewed interest in finding Jimmy Hoffa’s Body, I feel that I should get something off my chest. All of you, please stop telling me about the secret organizations running the world, the 9/11 conspiracy, the faked moon landings, etc. It’s not that I’m not willing to believe, it’s just that all of you provide such shitty evidence. Let’s address these one at a time…I’m not going to buy your theory about the cabal secretly running the world. Why not? Where are these people getting their power from? They probably don’t have the Infinity Trident. They certainly can’t have an army, since having one would reveal their secret, and most importantly. They can’t possibly have dirt on heads of state since heads of state can have these people y’know…killed. Until you can explain to me how some organization can secretly run the world, just stop talking about it.
Okay if you’re going to tell me that World Trade Center, and the Pentagon were attacked with bombs, show me your degree in engineering first. It’s simple really, there is an accepted explanation for those events, and some of you just don’t believe it. I really encourage you to actually know what you’re talking about before you start telling me what I need to believe.
Finally, the moon landing. Buzz Aldrin, patriot, asskicker, really doesn’t like it when you try to deny his accomplishment. Do you really want to get punched in the face by a senior citizen astronaut? I didn’t think so! Here’s a site that addresses the moon landing stuff btw Now please folks, just stop talking to me about these things.
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