Sunday, June 25, 2006

The Bathroom

The problems with humanity are best exemplified in the public, and semi public bathrooms of the US. The horrors seen in these places are comparable to assault, murder, and even genocide.

Most people who use the bathroom are both physically, and emotionally healthy individuals attempting to go through the motions (pun intended). However, there is a certain percentage of the population that see the bathroom, and its potential for anonymous mayhem as a gift from the Gods. They yearn to be evil. They yearn to unleash the beast within all over the floor, walls, and pretty much everywhere except the intended receptacles.

Nothing delights these people more than the ability to offend someone anonymously. Curiously, they never get to see the reaction to the destruction they have caused, but the mere thought of it is enough to fuel their twisted minds.

So what’s the problem with humanity? Well, the horrors of the bathroom tend to increase with the number of random people using them. The bathrooms in office buildings tend to be cleaner on floors where employees work. Employees know each other. They’re not anonymous. They’re well behaved for the most part. Floors that are open to the public look much worse. These people have no loyalty to each other, they’re not family, and they’re not part of a community. They’re the serial shitters.

So what do we do about it? Perhaps we should have signs in the bathroom reminding everyone that they’re part of the community. Perhaps we should do nothing. The world could always use more janitors...

Monday, June 19, 2006


Another fun thing about my trip to Seattle: I found The Erotic Bakery. I <3 food porn, especially when it's real porn. Behold the not work safeness!

That's made from marzipan, which is something I hate the taste of, but ladies, rest assured, I love the real thing :eyebrow:

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Seattle Tidbits

I just got back from vacation, and I feel the need to post about one of the many oddities I discovered. Archie McPhee sells many oddities and such, among them are postcards based on comic and novel covers from the 50's. I get the feeling that men from those times were very much in need of a good sexing. Here's a pic: