Monday, October 31, 2005

The Halloween Post is a parody religious website that has a lot of fun things. This parody hellhouse map is good for a chuckle as are the other halloween things here

...and the Europeans aren't big fans of halloween

Happy Halloween!

No On 73

For those of you who don't know, but do care, proposition 73 on the California ballot will require parental notification for any abortion performed on a minor, with an exception made if approved by a judge. It’s a good idea on paper. No one wants their daughter to have an abortion without talking to them first. The problem is that proposition 73 only helps shitty parents who would probably disown their children for having an abortion, or giving it up for adoption. If you’re a good parent, your children will definitely tell you about such plans.

I’ve looked at some of the TV ads available on this site a pro 73 site. They promote fear in order to get parents to agree with the message. I think the appropriate counter commercials should show children being kicked out of their homes and resorting to a life of prostitution. Parents, please trust your kids to do the right thing.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Funny Scene of the Day

Penn & Teller's new showtime show( Penn & Teller: Bullshit!) addresses penis enlargement, breast enhancement, and many other non body part enhancement scams such as talking to the dead, bottled water, and alien abductions.

The question Does Size Matter is answered in the Bonus features on the DVD

The man (That's a fake wang)
The woman
Look him in the eyes!

Slack-jawed yokel of the day. Would you believe he knows about UFO's?

Monday, October 17, 2005

Politically Incorrect Post 1

A couple of my female coworkers had a discussion about the various, lewd hoots, and hollers (holla!) they have received over the years. They wondered why guys keep saying lewd things to them.

Politically correct, and often correct answer 1: The men who yell lewd things at women are insecure. They can take comfort in knowing that they were rejected only because of their approach and not because of any inherent character flaw.

Politically correct, and often correct answer 2: Some men are jerks.

Completely politically incorrect, but often factually correct answer: because some women react favorably to it. Yes ladies, there are some women out there fucking it up for the rest of you. Often these women are dressed provocatively. Sometimes they want the attention, and sometimes they find the guy saying things to be attractive so they let it slide, but they’re fucking it up for the rest of you. It’s like spam. The cost of sending 10,000 unsolicited email messages is so low that you only need 1 response to make it worthwhile. In conclusion, smack these women. You’ll be doing everyone a favor. Also, smack people who respond to spam.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

I Like Big Butts and I Cannot Lie!

After having enough people bring it up, I feel the strange urge to address an issue. Stop saying black men love fat chicks!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with large women. That’s not the problem. First, stereotypes are annoying, second, large women are people too, and I’m sure they’re not thrilled to only have people interested in them because of their weight.

When people say black women love fat women, they’re saying that black men have a fetish for large women. In wild speculation on my part, I’m willing to bet that the percentage of black men with a fetish for large women is no different than that of the general population. I have a few large female friends who are not black, and they have remarked that black men hit on them frequently. Apparently I’m to explain this phenomenon to them, so here goes: weight doesn’t matter as much to some people. Yes, you can be a large woman, and still be very attractive. Accept it. There are many cultures where weight does not matter as much. Oddly enough, these cultures have lower instances of eating disorders. Most people don’t think of weight as a being attractive in and of itself. Despite what the media says, men aren’t going “OMG, that girl is so hot! I bet she only weighs 50 lbs!” Weight is a multiplier of attractiveness, rather than something to be added to it.

Being a fetish object sucks. This is quite insulting to the person involved as he/she been reduced to one of the smallest possible components of him/her self. Even when asked to describe one’s self in purely physical terms, there are few people out there who say “I’m fat!” or “I’m Blonde!” or “I have big tits!” and leave it at that. There’s a whole package that needs to be appreciated. I’ve known a few chubby chasers, but it’s not enough that the woman in question has to be large, she also has to be beautiful in their eyes. Look at people on an individual basis.

Thursday, October 06, 2005


I was very bored on my way to work this morning. I spent a lot of time thinking about a dream I had last night. I was talking to a young woman, and I mentioned something about enjoying it when a woman expresses her feelings. The young woman then proceeded to kiss me. The odd thing about the dream was that she was a very bad kisser, but hey, bad kisses are slightly better than no kisses.

Try as I might, I couldn't think of her name while I was in the car, but then her name came to me. She has a unique name, one that reminds me of geography, and she pronounces it with a great accent. I started laughing like a madman in the car because I remember her second most prominent feature: perpetual Camel Toe. Now, this young woman is a great person. She's nice, and fun to be around. The thing is that she always wore pants that fit her in a certain way. That's not my fault!

Monday, October 03, 2005

The Sleep of the Dead

PSA: if you're going to sleep on the sidewalk, don't be dressed nicely, don't fucking sleep in the middle of the goddamned street, and don't be laying there fucking face down with your hands at your fucking sides. It makes you look as if you've been seriously injured.