Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Eye of the Beholder?

One of my favorite shows in the past few years was a show on NBC called Ed. Ed was the story of Ed (Tom Cavanagh), a lawyer who had recently returned to the town where he grew up. It’s a very funny show and if they release it on DVD, I recommend that you watch it.

A side story arc followed three outcast teens at the local High School. One of these teens, Warren (The Mac Guy, Justin Long) needed a date for prom. Too bad that the girls at his school weren’t interested in him :( I mean, who wouldn't want the mac guy?! So what did Warren do? He hired an escort. The difference between an escort, and a hooker is that an escort looks better, costs more, and can actually escort you places, btw. Warren wasn’t paying for sex, he was paying for the escort part, but when The Man found out about the escort, he was arrested and put on trial.

The prosecutor put him on the stand and asked him why he had hired an escort if he had no intention of sleeping with her. His response was along the lines of women are shallow, and if he showed up to the dance with a beautiful woman then more women at his school would know that he was a good guy, and he was worth their attention. It was full of insight into the female mind. It's almost as if the guy on the stand was someone who was twice Warren's age, and had possibly been in a similar situation (I'm looking at you, writers!)

I know a few guys that say they have received more female attention when they are out with their girlfriends, but that could be dismissed as the guy displaying a better attitude, and thus being more attractive for that reason. At least that's what women say.

Imagine my amusement when I read this article in the Toronto Star (we’re a newspaper, eh!) The summary is this: women find a man more attractive if other women find him attractive. Also, men will dislike that man more, which explains why every attractive man in Hollywood is allegedly gay. More importantly, who knew that the episode of Seinfeld where George had the picture of Jerry’s ex in his wallet to pick up chicks was based on reality?

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Saturday, February 24, 2007


In case you haven't watched any National Geographic shows about the tribes of place X in the last few years, here is a sample of the warning you may see at the beginning:

"This program contains indigenous nudity

Parental Discretion is advised"

I don't know what to say. There's so much wrong with that statement

Sunday, February 18, 2007

What a Lovely Day

Today was a beautiful day, which has since devolved into possible rain, but that’s okay. It was the first day in a while that was “nice” only a few clouds in the sky, and the perfect temperature. Fortunately I live in Los Angeles so the women are always dressed as if it’s the perfect weather *ahem*.

I would have liked to have been able to meet up with friends today, but since I’m an adult now, this sort of thing has to be planned since someone always has something to do. One of the disadvantages of being an adult is that you don’t see your friends as much as you like, but then again, you’re not being forced to see many of them for 5 days a week, so I guess it has its advantages. Thank God that another important part of growing up is being comfortable with yourself. I am my best entertainment.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

A Pre-Superbowl Salute to America’s Heroes

World Net Daily has a list of American Heroes for all of you. These brave women are all teachers, who in the line of duty felt the need to have sex with their students. If you see any of these women in the streets, make sure to salute them. Also, if you see a male teacher that has had sex with a student, be sure to prove that there is a gender disparity in the treatment of sexual abuse, including hebophilia by kicking the male teacher in the balls. BTW, let's stop referring to everything under 18 as pedophilia, kthx.

p.s. Niiiiiiiice

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