Wednesday, April 11, 2007

So It Goes...

My favorite author, Kurt Vonnegut has died. So it goes.

I'm a sad panda over this. Vonnegut has been my favorite author ever since I had to do an HS project about an author. I picked him because I was interested in reading Slaughterhouse Five, and it provided an excuse to do so. I started by reading Player Piano, and although I didn't like the book, I do have positive memories associated with it because my most favorite picture of myself was taken while I was reading it. The pic eventually wound up on its own page in my HS yearbook. I took a long time to read that book because I didn't like it, but I read all of the other books I needed for the report in about 2 days each because I really liked them

The themes in his books speak to me. He was very good at pointing out the bullshit. From Slaughterhouse Five:

"The flaw in the Christ stories...was that Christ, who didn't look like much, was actually the son of the most powerful being in the universe. Readers understood that, so, when they came to the crucifixion, they naturally thought...: Oh, boy - they sure picked the wrong guy to lynch that time! And that thought had a brother: "there are right people to lynch." Who? People not well connected. So it goes. The visitor from outer space made a gift to earth of a new gospel. In it, Jesus really was a nobody, and a pain in the neck to a lot of people with better connections than he had. He still got to say all the lovely and puzzling things he said in the other gospels. So the people amused themselves one day by nailing him to a cross and planting the cross in the ground. There couln't possibly be any repercussions, the lynchers thought. The reader would have to think that too since the gospel hammered home again and again what a nobody Jesus was. And then, just before the nobody died, the heavens opened up, and there was thunder and lightning. The voice of God came crashing down. He told the world that he was adopting the bum as his son, giving him the full powers and privileges of the son of the creator of the universe throughout all eternity. God said this: from this moment on he will punish anybody who torments a bum who has no connections!"

If you've never read Vonnegut, I'd recommend least Sci-Fi books, Bluebeard. It's a good read for someone that doesn't think they will enjoy anything with Sci-Fi type themes.

I might as well show the pic...

So It goes...

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Monday, April 02, 2007

It’s been a long time…

For those of you not in the know, I work at a CPA firm as an accountant, and this is tax season. This means that I am spending entirely too much time at the office. I use my blog as a creative outlet, or a place to say whatever is on my mind. I get mentally restless a lot, especially when there’s something in the news that I want to blog about. Unfortunately a lot of my blog posts wind up in the recycle bin; a case of premature inspiration where I can’t really flesh out my thoughts.

These days my mind is occupied with sections 179, 1245, and 1250, amongst other sections of the tax code, so I don’t get as many thoughts to myself. I spend what little weekend I do have (Saturday work ftw!) vegging. Apparently work is so exhausting that I can’t summon the mental strength to play video games. Actually, It’s more that I have to watch Netflix DVD’s, so I get my money’s worth from them.

I do have some things to tell all of you though.

1. To those of you I haven’t been on contact with lately, I’m sorry, and I misses you people (<3)

2. I really enjoy Tito's Vodka. it's made in the USA by a guy named...Tito. . If the idea of enjoying vodka made by some Mexican guy upsets you, pretend it was made by Marshall Tito, the evil eastern european dictator. Tito’s vodka also made for wonderful Cape Cods

3. Speaking of booze, last year the company went to a horse racing track. There was free booze, but getting a mint julep proved quite difficult. . This year I shall have another mint julep, and various other drinks that will perplex the bartender.

4. Coachella is at the end of this month. Woo!

5. American TV execs generally want to air shows that they can milk for every penny. This means you typically can’t have a show that has a set number of seasons, and it also explains why Gi Joe could never defeat Cobra, and why Gilligan could never get off that fucking island. My point here is that Prison Break better fucking end.

6. And while I’m on TV, the writers of Lost hate you and raped your dog.

7. If you’ve ever been curious as to what life is like with a colostomy bag, this woman has a website with gross pictures.

8. Finally, Tax season is over on 4/17/06. Hopefully I will have a lot more time to talk to all of you soon.